Adobe Acrobat

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Adobe Acrobat Dc

Acrobat XI Help - Adobe - Adobe Systems. Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. Download Patch Per Pinnacle Studio 14 Free Software. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications.

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC running on. Other editions of Acrobat DC (Standard and Reader) feature a similar interface. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • History [ ] Since the early 90s the Acrobat product has had several competitors, some of which used their own document formats, such as: • AnyView from Binar Graphics company • Common Ground from No Hands Software company • from • Folio from company • Replica from (formerly Farallon Computing) • WorldView from company • from Adobe also allows third parties to develop Acrobat plug-ins, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. Product names [ ] Adobe has changed the names of the products of the Acrobat set several times, also dividing, merging, or discontinuing products.

Initially, the name 'Acrobat' was used as the parent name of a set of products which included Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Exchange and. Over time, Acrobat Reader became Reader; and the name Acrobat Exchange was simplified to Acrobat.

Between versions 3 and 5, Standard and Professional versions were one product known simply as Acrobat. In April 2015, Adobe introduced the Adobe 'Document Cloud,' along with the first of several applications with 'DC' at the end of the name. One of the main goals was to have all of a user's PDFs available on any of the user's devices, such as editing a PDF on an iPad and then later retrieving it on a PC.