Artmoney Port Royale 2 Money

Contents • • • • • • • Building Before you build, you need houses, it's about 60 people per house so remember to get enough houses, try to avoid products that need a colonial good because you are stuck if the transport convoys fail. You may need to ship workers from another town to get the businesses working. Free Swap Magic Cd Ps2. If you do need to ship workers, go to Govenor's towns first, they get transport convoys with workers going to them and they usually have a higher wealth level so you are more likely to find work there. Costs You should now click on your storehouse and get that to automatically sell the product (or if you have one, set up a trade route but take from the warehouse). If you are buying, set up a trade route or set the warehouse to buy (expensive usually). Lakshmi Baramma Serial Santhe. Types of Buildings. Corel Videostudio Pro X7 Serial Number And Activation Code Free.