Best Ipad Flight Planning Software

Best Ipad Flight Planning Software Average ratng: 6,6/10 3439votes

Make your Flight Plan at SkyVector is a free online flight planner. Flight planning is easy on our large collection of Aeronautical Charts, including. Seattle Avionics. The #1 rated aviation iPad EFB app - simple, full-featured, easy to read. The original Apple iPad was released over seven years ago on April 3, 2010. If you are a pilot, and looking for the best apps to improve and help you, here are the 10 best aviation apps (free and paid) for iPad, iPhone, and Android.

FliteStar VFR and IFR are our PC-based flight planning software solutions for general aviation pilots. Created to simplify and automate the entire flight preparation process, FliteStar gives you more time to do what you really like to do – FLY! For Business and Corporate pilots,. • Depiction of active Special Use Airspace • Depiction of TFRs • Ability to create custom flight chart themes • Depiction of Restricted airspace • Profile view of flight route with weather and winds • Optimized routing based on winds and aircraft performance • Automatic avoidance of restricted and TFR airspace • Upload flight plans to GPS and FMS units (IFR and Corporate versions) • Weight and Balance • Rubber Band routing • U.S. Weather and U.S. Flight Plan Filing through DUATS • Ability to add Raster VFR charts (additional cost) • Fuel Stop Planning (IFR and Corporate versions) • Worldwide Jeppesen weather (additional cost). What's The Difference Between FliteStar VFR, IFR and Corporate?

Compare features in the table below to see which version contains the features you need. Advanced: The Advanced Model (available in FliteStar Corporate only) allows for more complete cruise information, an unlimited number of cruise settings, and more than a simple linear climb and descent profile. It can also accommodate override fuel flow settings.

Basic: The Basic Model (which can be used in all versions of FliteStar) contains less detailed performance data. Install Flash Operator Panel Asterisk Knee. However in most cases it still provides highly accurate time and fuel burn results. When information is entered into the basic model format, the FliteStar application interpolates or extrapolates additional data points for the given weight or performance settings. With 5 rows of information and three power settings available for each weight setting, the interpolation can be highly accurate but not optimal for all altitudes and flying conditions. Which Model is for You? One area in which a Basic model may excel is when detailed performance information needed for the advanced model format, is lacking.

The calculations for the Basic model interpolates additional data points, however the Advanced model uses only the nearest entered data points without interpolation or extrapolation. If too many gaps exist in the data, the Advanced model could be less accurate than the Basic model.