Cpanel Install Mod_dav_svn

I have read many posts on installing Subversion on WHM servers. A few were helpful, one was pretty good, but none of them worked for a long time. EasyApache updates would break most the installations.
This is my method of installing (and updating) Subversion on a WHM server so that it will not be broken by EasyApache rebuilds. This process has been used on a number of servers in 2013 and 2014. All were CentOS and WHM. I do not think the exact versions of each matter, and the process would be similar for related versions of Linux. In this Post, The term svnaccount** is used to identify the user account name that will be used to host the Subversion url. The term svndomain** is used to indicate the domain name that will be used to access the Subversion repository. Dav_module (static ) dav_fs_module (static ) If not, you will have to run EasyApache (EasyApache is a script used by WHM installations to configure Apache).
You can do this by clicking on the EasyApache (Apache Update) link in the WHM menu. Select the most suitable profile to load based on what you are using the server for (if this is not a fresh server, it is better to read the EasyApache documentation before proceeding so that you don’t lose prior configurations). When you reach step for Exhaustive Options List be sure to Dav in the Apache Built-in Modules list. Some article indicate that DAVFs is needed as well. I have it both ways and it does not seem to matter if DAVFs is selected or not. Save and build. Note: Running EasyApache will take a few minutes.
Install and configure SVN Web. DAV server on a Cent. OS 6 VPS – Rose. This how- to looks at how to install and configure a SVN (subversion). Setup SVN Tools and Repositories on Cpanel. Make and install Subversion: mkdir. Install the wandisco repo to get the latest version of subversion for. How to install Setup an Apache Subversion (SVN) on CentOS 7 server. 12 December 2017; by: Medha Hosting; in: cPanel/WHM; note: no comments. How to install Setup an Apache Subversion (SVN) on CentOS 7 server. Subversion (SVN) is an extensively used version control answer which assistances in storing files of. But after installing the mod_dav_svn module,. But when I am installing mod_dav_svn, I am getting following error: ea-apache24 conflicts with httpd-2.2.15-54. I followed the tutorial on to allow mod_dav_svn (HTTP) access to SVN.
Your httpd service will be restarted at the end of the process to activate the new build. Checking for APR. Configure: error: the --with-apr parameter is incorrect. It must specify an install prefix, a build directory, or an apr-config file.
Root @machine [ /usr /local /src /subversion-1.8.13 ] # ls -all /home/cpeasyapache/src/ Look for httpd-*.*.** (where the stars are your script version) and update accordingly. Cd back to the subversion directory and run the configure, make and make install commands again. Geforce Fx 5200 Driver Download more. EA4 – The location of apxs has moved. The latest configure command I have used is../configure --with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs --with-apr=/home/cpeasyapache/src/httpd-2.4/srclib/apr --with-apr-util=/home/cpeasyapache/src/httpd-2.4/srclib/apr-util. Subversion and Apache When using WHM and EasyApache, you can’t just modify the Apache configuration to include the Subversion modules.
Instead, you must use the Include Editor, which you can find by browsing to “Apache Configuration” in the WHM menu. There, you must use the Pre Main Include.
Select the latest Apache version from the dropdown list and a textarea will appear. Add the following to it and click on “Update”: (Note — The make install command used whenn installing Subversion in the above step, will put files in these folders. IF you copy them to the standard apache modules folder, then when you rebuild apache using easyApache, and you will trust me, then the files will be deleted and your easyapache rebuild will break due to these include files not being in the modules folder. #begin location DAV svn SVNPath / home / svnaccount** / public_svn / repo / svn / AuthType Basic AuthName 'SVN Repo' AuthUserFile / home / svnaccount** /.svn.htpasswd Require valid-user #end location We use a folder called public_svn which is outside the standard public_html folder.
It is NOT recommended to add repositories in the same place as the public webserver files, because you are going to confuse Apache when you are going to try to access the repository through a local Subversion interface. Although you will be able to load the repository in your browser, you will get a “Repository moved permanently to ‘please relocate” error when trying to access remotely. This happens because Apache doesn’t know how to respond to the request and gets confused on what it should return.
Now, create the actual repository files.