Drivers Ed Nyc Dalton School

Drivers Ed Nyc Dalton School Average ratng: 9,7/10 2535votes

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Word Search Puzzle Maker Download. In addition to the Physical Education program, the High School offers a diversified interscholastic athletic program for boys and girls. Many of our teams have won league championships and competed for state championships over the past several years, compiling outstanding winning records. Of even greater pride to the School is the degree of student participation on athletic teams. For boys, choices include Varsity Football, Soccer, Basketball, Wrestling, Baseball, Track, Tennis, Golf, Lacrosse, and Squash. Junior Varsity teams include Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Lacrosse and Tennis. For girls, choices include Varsity Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Golf, Lacrosse, Squash, and Track.

Junior Varsity teams include Soccer, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Basketball, Softball, and Tennis. Advisor: Nicholas Lechich The Student Government also encompasses student-run clubs that have been created to work on a specific task or agenda.

Their focus can be on a publication (e.g. The school newspaper The Daltonian or the literary magazine Blue Flag), school-wide social events (e.g. The Performing Arts Club organizes Coffeehouse events, which feature poetry recitations and musical performances, while ISAC helps to bring school spirit to athletic events and plan the Prom), or on more global issues (e.g. The Environment Club, Wildlife Club, and The Dalton Water Project). Each club is headed by up to three students and is advised by at least one High School faculty member. There are also affinity groups such as Women of Color, the Asian Cultures Club, Spectrum, and HOLA (the Hispanic Organization for Latino Awareness), and clubs that support particular interests, such as SciFan, Longboard Club, and Geography Club. New clubs are always encouraged but may only be created through the procedures outlined in the Formation of Clubs section of this handbook.

Drivers Ed Nyc Dalton School