Mo Creatures 3.6 2 Download
Minecraft 1.12.1/1.12.2. This is the version used on the server. MoCreatures 12.0.3. Download Mo'Creatures v6.3.1 for Minecraft 1.7.10. Search results for 'Mo Creatures 6.3.1' Search. Mods (33) Addon Packs (1) Next. Total downloads: Extra Creatures Project Manager: 0cf6d20b437f4a88a927c6ea8cd71a1a.
Don’t you guys think that there isn’t enough Animals, or let’s say Creatures in Minecraft? I mean I’m really getting bored of them. There those animals that you can hunt, well three of them, and a few that you have to run away from (that’s if your ME). There is though a very good solution to make your Minecraft world a little more interesting. That solution is: MO’ Creatures!
Mo' Creatures Mod 1.13.1/1.12.2 for Minecraft brings new animals/creatures in your world You can tame them or hunt them for items. Drag And Drop File Download Html5shiv. Download Mo’ Creatures for.

It was developed by DrZhark and the MO’ Creatures will add more creatures (animals) to your Minecraft. After installed MO’ Creatures Mod, you may see Kittes, BigCats, Deers, and snakes and many many more. I’m always being surprised after I installed this Mod and I have to say, I am very impressed. This is also the reason why it is amazingly popular, and if you don’t already have it. DOWNLOAD it!!!
MO’ Creatures Mod Version 3.7.1 for Minecraft 1.3.2 Changelogs • Fixed server crashed • Fixed minor bugs • Fixed incompatibility.

If you’ve been playing in the world long enough, you’ve experienced complete boredom before. Eventually it happens. You character isn’t starving, you’ve built some stuff, killed some stuff, interacted with other player and such, but you now find yourself with nothing to do. You wish that Minecraft felt a little more realistic – as realistic as a survival game made of tiny pixels and magic axes that can bring down buildings can be. One thing that you may have noticed is that there aren’t many mobs (animals) in the game – and the ones that are, are always trying to rip you blocks off.
And if you have noticed this, I’m sure you probably wished there were more creatures in the game, both aggressive and passive. Well, you’re in luck. Zhark Mobs’ Mo’ Creatures mod for Minecraft brings tons of new creatures into the game bringing life back into Minecraft and making the game feel more realistic, enjoyable, and interesting.
The mod brings both passive and aggressive mobs. Many of these mobs you will want to steer clear of, while some may even come to your aid in battle, each situation becomes completely unique – that is of course until you catch onto the mobs’ patterns.