Pakedit Download
Visual Boy Advance (Click here for the whole zip folder) downloads are right off the site. My plan is 10MB storage so I use file storage for other files. List of ROM Hacking/Modding Tools. Classic editor History Comments Share. This here is a simple list of tools available on the interwebs for Pokemon hacking/.
Main Features: YAPE works on the 3rd generation games (R/S/FR/LG/E) and edits the following: • All of the base stats, EVs, etc. Nuova Elettronica Handbook For Employers. This includes a few I have not seen editable in any other editors (such as the level-up rate) • Evolutions • Usable TMs/HMs • Learned attacks. (it even handles updating all the pointers automatically; adding/removing these for a pokemon is now extremely easy.) • Pokedex entries (including the height, weight, size, and text) Check out the readme for more information. NOTE: Requires the.Net framework 2.0 or higher.