Peterson Composizione Fotografica Pdf Writer

Peterson Composizione Fotografica Pdf Writer Average ratng: 6,6/10 255votes

Learning to See Creatively was a bit a disappointment for me. It seems odd to say this since I am still really a beginner in terms of photography but there didn’t seem to be a whole lot there that I didn’t know already. And for the most part, each concept was discussed rather superficially, then followed by a selection of photos that illustrated over and over again the very basic information that the author presented. Huawei E3231 Drivers For Dongle Wifi. For someone completely new to photography and composition, the second and thir Learning to See Creatively was a bit a disappointment for me.

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Peterson Composizione Fotografica Pdf Writer

It seems odd to say this since I am still really a beginner in terms of photography but there didn’t seem to be a whole lot there that I didn’t know already. And for the most part, each concept was discussed rather superficially, then followed by a selection of photos that illustrated over and over again the very basic information that the author presented. For someone completely new to photography and composition, the second and third chapters would be the most valuable. They cover “Elements of Design (Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Pattern and Color) and “Composition” (Filling the Frame, Rule of Thirds, Diagonals, Framing, Picture Within a Picture, etc.) All topics that should be in a composition book, even if they could and should have been covered in more depth.

Having said that, there were a lot of topics that should have been here but were inexplicably left out the use and placement of negative space, body language and placement in portraits, just to name a few. Instead, the author focused his attention on a chapter about different kinds of lenses, (which I felt went on too long and should have been discussed later in the book in relation to the design concepts he discusses in chapters 2 and 3 rather than being the first thing discussed).

He also chose to devote chapters to Digital Photography (including a section on why digital cameras just aren’t good enough and dictates of when it is and is not acceptable to use post processing) and a chapter on Career Considerations. Now don’t get me wrong, there is a time and a place for information about careers in photography.

But it seems to me that if you are reading a book about composition, it seems somewhat off topic especially when the composition sections were skimpy and incomplete. Learning to see creatively. Think about that. What a huge and bold title for a book. Is seeing creatively something we can teach? And, if so, how? Bryan Peterson takes on this task.

But he doesn't seize the reigns of teaching-to-see-creatively lightly. After all, this is the third edition; Peterson has been grappling with the ideas in this book since 1988.

Peterson is no novice to photography, to creativity; his website reminds us that he has been a successful commercial photograph Learning to see creatively. Think about that. What a huge and bold title for a book. Is seeing creatively something we can teach?