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Has been phenomenal. In the first few years after 2006, when the first-generation devices arrived in the UK, market growth was estimated to be around 500 per cent, settling over the last two years to a conservatively estimated 50 per cent. Cinema 4d Visualize Serial. “The market up until now has been minimal because the people behind the businesses have been amateurs and small entrepreneurs,” claims Chris Price, founder of the E-Cigarette Consumer Association.
“But since then more professionalism has followed with more awareness. There’s a need to get across the message that ‘vaping’ isn’t just going on in a back room in Penge, but is big everywhere.” According to Mr Price, the single clear and powerful driver is “that smokers want to consume nicotine, but don’t want the smoke”, as he puts it, and now there are growing numbers of devices that allow that. He goes so far as to say that the mere existence of an alternative to smoking guarantees market growth. Free Karaoke Downloads Karma more.