How To Install Pycairo Download

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How To Install Pycairo DownloadHow To Install Pycairo Downloads

README.rst Using the PyGTK All-in-one installer The PyGTK All-in-one version number The PyGTK All-in-one installers' version number does not map directly to the PyGTK version number, simply because the PyGTK All-in-one installer is a repackaging of multiple components where each component may receive updates in the form of a new PyGTK All-in-one installer revision release. It is also a requirement to support windows installer major upgrades. The version number is constructed as follows: PYGTK_MAJOR.PYGTK_MINOR.INSTALLER_REVISION What file should I use? All the.msi files are named as follows: pygtk-all-in-one-X.X.X.winYY-pyZ.Z.msi Where X.X.X is the PyGTK All-in-one version number, YY is 32 or 64 and Z.Z is the Python version number the installer supports. Currently, only 32 bit Python is supported (on both 32 and 64 bit Windows). You need to make sure both YY and Z.Z correspond to the version of the Python interpreter that's installed on your system. I'm new, how do I start?

First, you'll need to install a 32 bit Python interpreter. Currently, you can choose between Python 2.6 and Python 2.7. • From: • • • • From: • • • Then you install the PyGTK All-in-one version that matches the Python version you choose above. It's that easy! Migrating from PyGTK+PyGObject+PyCairo packages If you have used some or all of the separate PyGTK, PyGObject, PyGooCanvas, PyGtkSourceView2, PyRsvg and PyCairo packages before, please ensure they are uninstalled before you begin with the PyGTK All-in-one installer. The all-in-one installer does not check for their presence and will happily overwrite files that belong to the separate packages. If you forget to check for this you risk the following scenario: • install Python • install PyCairo, PyGTK and PyGObject • install PyGTK All-in-one • uninstall PyCairo, PyGTK and PyGObject • you now have a broken pygtk all-in-one installation This would also be a good time to remove the GTK+ runtime you've used with the separate PyG* packages and to clean your PATH environment variable.

Installing Pycairo on Mountain Lion. Install Pycairo itself. The nasty little trick to this is to remember that Pycairo is packaged on it's site and other places.

Note that the PyCaio, PyGObject, PyGTK, PyGoocanvas, PyGtkSourceView2 and PyRsvg.exe installers (like any other.exe installer generated by distutils) sometimes leave things behind when you uninstall them. Default installation A default PyGTK All-in-one installation automatically detects the correct Python installation directory and if Python was installed for all users or just yourself. These values are then used by the PyGTK All-in-one installer. To start a default PyGTK All-in-one installation, simply double click the.msi file or execute the following command from a Command Prompt (cmd. Download Mp3 Sholawat Tum Hi Ho. exe):%WINDIR% system32 msiexec.exe /i pygtk-all-in-one-X.X.X.winYY-pyZ.Z.msi Custom installation Like any other Windows Installer package, you can change how PyGTK All-in-one will be installed on you system by passing parameters (setting public properties for those familiar with windows installer). Execute%WINDIR%system32msiexec /help for a list of options supported for all.msi installation packages. Target directory The TARGETDIR property determines the root directory of the PyGTK All-in-one installation. If this property is set, the PyGTK All-in-one installer does not automatically detect the installation directory of the Python interpreter installed on you system.

Bibbia Interconfessionale Pdf Creator here. For example, a custom installation directory can be specified with: TARGETDIR=R: pythonX Before you set a custom TARGETDIR property, you need to make sure both python.exe and pythonw.exe exist in that directory or the installation will fail. Installation for All Users The ALLUSERS property determines if PyGTK All-in-one should be installed for all users, or only for the user that initiated the installation. If you want to install for all users, set the ALLUSERS property to '1': ALLUSERS=1 If you want to install for the current user only, you should not specify the ALLUSERS property at all. Hence, a per user installation is the default installation mode for custom installations. Note that '1' is the only valid value for the ALLUSERS property! You need to combine this property with the TARGETDIR property. Setting ALLUSERS disables the automatic Python interpreter detection.

Feature Selection The INSTALLLEVEL property determines what features are going to be installed. If the INSTALLLEVEL property is not set, its value defaults to 1 which causes a basic set of features to be installed (GTK+ runtime, PyGTK, PyGObject and PyCairo) If you set INSTALLLEVEL to 2 (or any number greater than 2), you instruct the installer to do a 'complete' installation (all features will be installed). There is another method to control what features should be installed by controlling the ADDLOCAL, REMOVE, ADDDEFAULT, REINSTALL, etc properties. Check MSDN for more details.