Prs Serial Number Lookup

Prs Serial Number Lookup Average ratng: 8,5/10 9308votes

Best Answer: The year of manufacture of any PRS Guitar can be determined by the serial number located on the back of the headstock for set-in neck models. The first number is the last number of the production year followed by the sequential number of guitars produced to that date. 6 2557 is a 1986 model and was the 2,557th set in neck guitar made while 6 29584 is a 1996 model and was the 29,584th set-in neck guitar made.) The year of manufacture is determined the same way for bolt-on neck models where the serial number is located on the neck plate on the back of the guitar. The following number determines the model: 5 or EG for the EG models (discontinued in 1995), 7 or CE for the Classic Electric models, and 8 or SA for the Swamp Ash Special.

Prs Serial Number LookupPrs Serial Number Lookup

Device Drivers Generic Rndis Usb. Serial Number Year-Code Prefix. All guitars and basses have serial numbers which start with a year prefix. The prefix is the last one or two digits of the production year, and it applies to all models below. You can also look up your PRS guitars MODCAT code. How to Find Your Model Number. LCD TV: Find the Model Name, Serial Number, and Software Version of Your TV. PRS-950) Back to top. Electric Guitar Serial Number. 3123 1980 1981 1981 1982 1983 1984 PAUL REED SMITH. Features a search engine that reports the specifications on. Prs guitar serial number lookup. Scholarly Search Engine Find information about academic papers by Prs guitar serial number lookup.

*The first 200 Swamp Ash Specials were given a CE serial number. The next number will again be the sequential number for that particular model. The PRS Bass models produced between 1986 and 1991 and discontinued in 1991 will also be numbered with the year as the first number, followed by a 9 for set-in neck models or 4 for bolt.

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