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Feb 24, 2010 super stomper 2% 10 feet LIVE - Duration: 9:41. Raggamuffinyunaka 682,256 views. Hi-Standard - Stay Gold【訳詞】 - Duration: 2:01. Super Stomper 10 Feet Free mp3 download - Songs.Pk. Super Mario World Overworld Theme 10 Keys Higher And Going Up Another. 【Drum Cover】10-FEET / super stomper. Jan 10, 2012 03 - Vitamin 7 (10-FEET and Maximum The Hormone) UT Twister [Album] () 01 - NO WAY 02 - JUST A FALSE! Super stomper.

Jumping free! If our hearts weren't stained black Hate and anger would be a measure of the people we meet each day There's no need to defy.
There's no need to kill Lies, bluffs make them the truth Deal with the small before the big There's no need to always be such a good boy or such a girl! Goody-two-shoes conscience-Go! Just stay outta my way! Get outta my way! Oh, I've got so much further to go! Goody-two-shoes conscience-Go!
Just stay outta my way! Get outta my way! Oh, everybody rise up!
I might go crazy. My heart won't even move at all It's like memories just start growing so bright I might go crazy. The future is so scary now Maybe one day can overcome Jump around! Jumping free! It's all depends on you! Jumping free!
Jumping free! It's all depends on you!
Jumping free! If our hearts weren't stained black Hate and anger would be a measure of the people we meet each day There's no need to defy. There's no need to kill Lies, bluffs make them the truth Deal with the small before the big There's no need to always be such a good boy or such a girl! Goody-two-shoes conscience-Go! Just stay outta my way! Get outta my way! Oh, I've got so much further to go!
Goody-two-shoes conscience-Go! Just stay outta my way!
Get outta my way! Oh, everybody rise up! I might go crazy. My heart won't even move at all It's like memories just start growing so bright I might go crazy. The future is so scary now Maybe one day can overcome Jump around! Jumping free! It's all depends on you!
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10-FEETを特集した「別冊カドカワ 総力特集 10-FEET」が本日7月6日に発売された。 今年結成20周年を迎え、主催フェス「京都大作戦」が今週末に開催される10-FEET。彼らの軌跡をたどる「別冊カドカワ」では3人のソロインタビューのほか、ROTTENGRAFFTYとの座談会、Dragon AshのKj(Vo, G)や彼らの大ファンだという小説家・住野よるからの寄稿などが掲載される。 またライブでの人気曲を集めた作品「10-FEET 入り口の10曲」がiTunes Store、レコチョクなどの配信サイトおよび各主要サブスクリプションサービスにて、明日7月7日にリリースされることも決定。さらに7月19日リリースのニューシングル「太陽の月」の収録曲「太陽4号」の歌詞が歌詞検索サービス「歌ネット」にて公開された。ファンは発売に先駆けて、歌詞をチェックしておこう。 1. STONE COLD BREAK 2. VIBES BY VIBES 3. Super stomper 9. アンテナラスト 2017-07-14.